
Snake Solver


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About Snake Solver

Snake Solver is a fascinating program designed to tackle the classic arcade game Snake. This program aims to find the optimal path for the snake to follow, maximizing its length and avoiding collisions with itself or the boundaries.


  • The goal of Snake Solver is to guide a snake to its target, typically an apple while avoiding obstacles and its own tail.


  1. Start: The game begins with a snake positioned on a grid. The snake's head is represented by a different color or shape than its body segments.
  2. Movement: The player uses the controls to move the snake's head in any of the four directions (up, down, left, or right). The snake's body segments follow the head in a continuous line.
  3. Obstacles: The playing field contains obstacles, such as walls or other objects, that the snake cannot pass through.
  4. Target: A target, usually an apple, is placed somewhere on the grid.
  5. Eating: When the snake's head touches the target, it eats it. This causes the snake to grow longer by adding a new segment to its tail.
  6. Collision: If the snake's head collides with its own body, an obstacle, or the edge of the playing field, the game ends.

How to play Snake Solver

The snake is controlled using the arrow keys or WASD keys.

Category and Tags

Snake Games

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