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About znake

Znake is a classic snake game that has been around for decades. It is a simple yet addictive game where you control a snake that grows longer as it eats food. The goal of the game is to eat as much food as possible without running into yourself or the walls.


  • Grow your snake as long as possible by eating food pellets.
  • Avoid colliding with yourself or the boundaries.


  1. Start: Your snake begins as a small, segmented body.
  2. Navigate: Steer your snake around the playing field, avoiding obstacles and other snakes.
  3. Eat: When you encounter a food pellet, your snake's head will consume it, causing your body to grow longer.
  4. Grow: As you eat more food, your snake becomes increasingly difficult to maneuver.
  5. Avoid: Be cautious not to let your snake's head collide with its own body or the walls. If this happens, the game ends.

How to play znake

Use arrow keys or WASD to move your snake in different directions.

Category and Tags

Snake Games

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