
Is My Blue Your Blue?


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About Is My Blue Your Blue?

Is My Blue Your Blue? is a thought-provoking game that explores the nature of subjective experience, perception, and communication. It revolves around the philosophical question of whether people perceive colors in the same way.

Why is it Interesting?

  • Subjective Perception: The game highlights the fact that color perception is not absolute. It's influenced by factors such as the human eye's physiology, the lighting conditions, and even personal experiences.
  • Challenging Assumptions: Players are forced to question their assumptions about color perception and the reliability of their senses.
  • Social Interaction: The game can be played in groups, fostering discussions about perception, subjectivity, and the nature of reality.

How to play Is My Blue Your Blue?

  • WASD: Move forward, backward, left, and right.
  • Arrow keys: Alternative movement option.

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